Floral Musings

A collection of writings on florals,

memories, inspiration and life on the farm.


Workshops, Botanical Wellness Meadow Wilds Workshops, Botanical Wellness Meadow Wilds

Wreath Making 2022

Learn how to make your own winter wreath.

Wreath making in the winter season

It’s the time of year when the flowers have gone and the leaves from the trees have long fallen. The branches are bare, and the air is becoming more and more crisp. Many have already received their first deep frost and here in the Hudson Valley this year, the cold evenings are settling in and the first snow has just fallen.

The prettiest sights now are the evergreens.

The smell of pine needles beneath my feet with their rich brown color awaken something in me. So does the peely soft bark of the cedar trees and fresh blue juniper berries as they have such a familiarity as if I’ve known them a long time. I often want to add a sprig of juniper here or there in our summer bouquets, but I hold off!

Everlasting conifers are the toughest of the softwood trees and it is amazing how they can withstand the coldest of climates. Imagine the reddish dark bark of the ponderosa pines of Colorado standing strong right now no matter the heaviest snows or strong winds.

Learn how to make your own wreath with us during our annual Wreath Making Workshop!

December 4, 2022 from 2-5pm at The Greenhouses at Audrey’s Farmhouse.
We will be using evergreens such as balsam, spruce, pine, fir, juniper, magnolia and more.
All of these fragrant materials will be woven into wreaths.

Enjoy the wreath making process, play your favorite music for creativity, pour yourself your favorite beverage, invite a friend and plan to spend hours on your wreath making. Using your hands to work on a very ancient project is quite satisfying especially with your own hand selected materials.

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